Saturday, November 14, 2009

What is the most impressive feat in any martial arts?

By %26quot;feat%26quot; I mean realistic moves or maneuvers. For example, there are schools of martial arts all over Asia, where guys practice getting hit with thick wooden staffs. I also like brick-breaking. What else is there?

Please don鈥檛 respond with stuff from movies like walking on water and jumping over houses.|||how about when max baer literally knocked frankie campbell brain loose from the connective tissue inside his head%26lt;classic boxing%26gt;

but if you want some crazy stuff to look at(which i am VERY skeptical about) theres different chi related %26quot;feats%26quot;|||I think the %26quot;Ice Breakers%26quot; are impressive.

but the most impressive are the %26quot;Granite Breakers%26quot;

Demos like these are often seen at the once a year event-- %26quot;The Martial Arts Expo%26quot;|||Well you might not believe me but I heard about a man at a martial arts demonstration who stood on a glass coke bottle with one foot, held his other leg out straight, and went up and down all the way on his one leg. I also heard that he walked across a flourescent lightbulb. I heard of these things but didn%26#039;t see them so don%26#039;t take me as a very reliable source.|||The most impressive feat in martial art, today.

Finding someone who trains without reguard for belts, money, fame or some other tangable item or object.

I have found a few, but that impresses me the most.|||The most impressive feat in Martial arts is one who has trained since they were young and still trains when they are in their sixties or older!!|||Walking away from a fight without speaking even when you are called every name in the book.|||the one inch punch was pretty good but marciano%26#039;s six inch punch was d3adly|||Heck, any guy who can take a powershot between the legs and not even flinch is a Martial Arts God in my book : P|||no lie i think the best feat tht i have accomplished was whn i broke a 3and a half foot long block of ice in the us open|||Avioding a fight whenever possiblr; winning when you can%26#039;t.|||I%26#039;ve always been impressed by those that have broken a wooden dummy with their arm (as in by striking it with their forearm).|||The most impressive feat is sticking it out to achieve your black belt. This may not be the answer you wanted but the biggest reason people quit martial arts is the monotony of the training. In an advanced program going to the dojo three days a week it can take 3 years to earn your first black belt. Martial arts isn%26#039;t for the impatient. My sensei says all the time he has trained with guys who were better than him and stronger than him but they quit sooner so he moved up the ranks by elimination because he was the one that stuck it out. If someone wants the quick road they are in the wrong sport. SO I say staying in for the long haul is the greatest achievement in martial arts.|||Beating all levels if Ninja Warrior is probably the most amazing thing I have ever seen.|||Those who can break bones (arms, legs) with a single punch.

In the upper ranks of some striking styles you don%26#039;t block anymore, you just punch (or kick).

So you %26#039;punch the punch%26#039; or %26#039;kick the kick%26#039; resulting in breaking your opponents attacking limb. I think this is done as a %26#039;check%26#039; in Thai kick boxing.|||I have seen a red brick the mason kind not the 1%26quot; thick the 3%26quot; thick broken with 2 fingers, in real life. i smelled the dust after it smashed into pieces, that was thanks to Sifu Dan Hammond, a true master at martial arts...

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