Friday, May 21, 2010

Is Mixed Martial Arts taking over and boxing fading into oblivion?

Mixed martial arts is so much more exciting and the professional boxing world has so much going against it:Don King, fixed fights, lack of action, infrequent title matches, too many sanctioning agencies. Mixed martial arts seems to me to be taking over.|||i%26#039;m just about as big of a mma fan as you%26#039;ll find but boxing is going nowhere. it will still sell big cards as long as they can find the stars. guys like mayweather will continue to bring in the big money. it has been said many many times during the approximately 100 year run of boxing that it was about to die but it always comes back. as long as there are still 20+ million dollar paydays to be had they will still have young guys trying to make it|||YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!|||no it is not there will always be people who watch boxing and people who watch mma and neither will ever fade into oblivion. On the other hand I would certainly agree with you that boxing as a sport needs to change if it wants to ever grow beyond a niche group of fans and start generating more money|||Mixed Martial Arts wll NOT take over BOXING! boxing has so much history! in boxing not only celebrities are supporting you like they do in UFC but a whole country! for example the Pacquiao-Marquez fight! THERES ABOUT 200 million Mexicans and Filipino people tuning in for that fight! not to mention all the true boxing fans! even Barack Obama said something about that fight! and the Joe Louis VS Max Schmeling fight was so big that it proved the Nazis that the Aryans(white men in case people dont know) werent superior and proved them wrong! and plus boxing is so much more exiting than MMA! just seeing two guys do some wrestling! and just laying in there for a couple of seconds trying to figure out what they do next and the match wont be longer than 10 minutes! and boom! someone wins and there goes your 50 dollars! in boxing you can watch it longer and gets much more exiting!|||There was another question like this and I will answer the same way. MMA is like the flavour of the day right now it is exciting, exotic and fast but when the ooh aha of MMA and UFC fades, boxing will come back, more then likely not as big but it will come back. Which is great in my option MMA offers a look at kicks, punches and grappling that come from a great many martial art%26#039;s and it is as I said before exciting, exotic and fast but boxing also offers a look at a specialised type of fighting that MMA can%26#039;t because it is so versatile.

Also as for the bad things like match fixing and Don King remember MMA is still new compared to boxing it will take a bit of time but some fool will try to fix a fight in UFC and and a wacko promoter will appear before to long just give it time.

%26quot;Only in America%26quot; - Don King|||MMA is taking over, mainly because you have a bunch of figthers trying to make a name for themselves, going all out. Were as you have boxers ducking figthers by asking crazy money to fight.|||Mixied martial art is more exciting because you can use diff. kinds of matial arts. One kung fu master uses mixed martial art. and it is bruce lee. Try to watch thwe movies f Master Bruce if pocible.|||MMA is big but there are to much organizations that make it seem smaller. Boxing on the other hand is one big company and that%26#039;s what makes it a strong popular base. So my answer is no, boxing will never die off. People can thumbs down me all they want and talk **** but the truth can%26#039;t get any clearer.|||I Think Mixed Martial Arts already has taken it over.Boxing is only one form of MMA.Its the fastest growing sport in the world.PPL think MMA is dominated by one Org thats stupid there is Ultimate Fighting Championchip (UFC)

Dream (new Pride pretty much) Elite XC (which Is growing fast) K1 Heroes (Huge in Japan and great LW Fighter maybe the best) HDNet Fights (New but is getting some good fights) M-1 (just got Tito Ortiz) IFL (on FSN) theres alot of good orgs.Ppl see it as human cockfighting they are stupid they are just uneducated about the sport its Boxing,Wrestling,Sambo,Muay Thai,BJJ, pretty much every useful MA put together in one there is so much Technique involed it is crazy!When i see a good fight its like a great piece of art! MMA is the actual version of fighting all parts of it where boxing is just Punching eachother MMA has Submissions Knocouts everything in a fight.Boxing is just one part of MMA thats why its more Exciting.Boxing is just one MMA is the Sport of fighting when Boxing is the sport of Punching.The Bobbing and weaving and Shoulder Rolling doesnt work in a real fight.

Boxing is gettin Swalled by MMA they isent going to be any new great boxers.|||UFC is probably a fad. It%26#039;ll end up like wrestling in the WWF - full of steroids and soap opera tactics.

If you want to see actual martial arts in the Jiujutsu style, you%26#039;re going to have to actually see it in Brazil. Or check out the original Japanese style - it%26#039;s a far cry from Brazilian, but you can see the roots there. It%26#039;s interested to see how it varies.

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