Friday, May 21, 2010

Who does martial arts grants and sponsorships?

I am a martial artist who have earned a 3rd degree black belt. I would like to throw a seminar in chicago and eventually have my own school that teaches the traditional arts, weapons as well as full contact. I am always hering about grants and sponsors but all I have been doing is running into a brick wall. PLEASE HELP ME WITH ADVICE. |||I do not know your age or financial situation but there are many government programs that will grant money to people that want to start a small business. All you really have to do is prove that you qualify and ask for the money. A vendor of mine did this recently and was given $10,000. I thought he was kidding. He was not. The reason the Govt. does this is to build their tax base. Check this website out for more information.

You may also consider teaching at a community center to build your reputation. Good luck. I hope you are successful.

You may also consider

|||you need to talk to Master Dave Johnson. He is they guy for you! contact him at |||You could ask your martial arts teacher about those, odds are (s)he had to go through the same thing. Another good thing to do if you want to do a seminar is to do it at a martial arts convention, talk to the chairman and if they like what your ideas, they%26#039;ll add you to the program.

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