Monday, May 17, 2010

Where can I get these martial arts weapons?

I do martial arts and at the moment we are doing some weapon training.

My sensei is sold out on weapons, so I need to find somewhere where I can buy some. I can wait, but I dont really want to miss out. So can anyone suggest anywhere I can get them?

I Need:

1. Six Foot Bo Staff

2. Kobuton Wood

3. Kobuton Metal

4. Bokken with Scabbard

5. Suntetsu at any material, prefferably wood.|||You can get some good traditional gear here|||

http://www.lmpearlenterprises.... Report Abuse
|||i have a bo staff that i don%26#039;t ever use now :(

its a shame this isn%26#039;t ebay :)

i bought it online but i can%26#039;t remember what site. in fact it may even have been ebay lol|||try ebay, the Martial Mart, Karate Depot, or Century Martial Arts, I buy from all of these.||||||I hate to say this but why don%26#039;t you google them all???

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